Saturday, May 29, 2010


鼻息肉 (nasal polyps) 可造成不少鼻腔不適,例如鼻塞、容易流鼻血、打鼻鼾、嗅覺不靈、令鼻水混濁及帶有異味等,但倘若鼻息肉沒有得到適當處理,除可併發鼻竇炎 (rhinosinusitis),鼻腔在長期發炎下,更會影響嗅覺,日後即使成功將息肉除去,患者的嗅覺也未必能夠得以恢復,而且它與鼻竇內翻性乳頭瘤 (inverted papilloma) 的外表類似,故為免卻延治及併發症的風險,應及早確診處理鼻息肉問題。

Nasal polyposis is a common cause of nasal obstruction. It is commonly seen in chronic sinusitis patients, who may suffer from longstanding nasal congestion, decreased sense of smell, and sinus headache. It can be easily diagnosed with nasal endoscopy which shows whitish smooth painless mass blocking the natural sinus drainage pathways. Initial treatment is medical involving oral and topical steroid spray, and comprehensive allergy treatment. Refractory cases require polypectomy via functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). New techniques in sinus surgery include computer navigation system, microdebrider, balloon sinuplasty, and coblation. Patients with nasal polyposis are recommended to follow up with ENT physicians regularly to ensure control of disease.


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