Sunday, July 11, 2010



聲帶受損會令聲音沙啞、喉嚨痛、說話時無氣無力、無法提高音量及說長句子、無法控制音調高低,嚴重的更會失聲。輕微勞損個案只需減少說話及多喝暖水,讓聲帶充分休息便可復原。若情況持續兩日以上,便可能是聲帶出現血泡或水腫 (polyp) ,應考慮求醫,服用消炎藥後,一般亦可在數天內康復。然而,約一成個案未必能完全復原,患處或會長出息肉及結節等;若聲帶長年累月勞損,兩側聲帶會結繭,聲音會逐漸變沉甚至變成「鵝公喉」,或須考慮以微創手術清除息肉及厚繭。

Benign vocal lesions such as polyp, nodule, or cyst often result from chronic vocal abuse. These lesions affect the normal vibratory movement of the vocal cords and could lead to hoarseness, sore throat, lowering of pitch, dysphagia, or even shortness of breath. Diagnosis is through flexible fiberoptic examination and video stroboscopic examination in the clinic setting. Early treatment is medical including voice rest, speech therapy, and hydration. Persistent symptomatic vocal lesions require endoscopic excisional biopsy under general anesthesia. Patients with smoking, alcohol history or family history of throat cancer are at risk for laryngeal cancer and are recommended to undergo excisional biopsy for suspicious lesions.


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