鼻甲骨 (turbinate) 滿布黏膜及血管,幫助濕潤及暖化吸入的空氣,但如果你有長期鼻炎及過敏性鼻炎,便會刺激黏膜增生加厚,導致鼻甲骨腫脹肥大 (turbinate hypertrophy),嚴重時更可能會阻塞氣道,令你出現持續及長期鼻塞。
Turbinate is an important part of the nose that helps humidify air during breathing. We normally have 3 turbinates on each side of the nose: superior (highest), middle, and inferior (lowest) turbinates. In chronic sinusitis or allergic rhinitis, however, inferior turbinate can become large and obstruct the airway.
Initial treatment in turbinate hypertrophy is medical, typically with nasal steroid spray such as flonase and nasonex. A trial of at least a month is recommended. Should nasal obstruction continues, there are a number of surgical approaches advocated. Turbinectomy (cutting out part of or the entire turbinate) carries a higher risk for crusting, bleeding, and empty nose syndrome postoperatively. Resecting just the bony component of the turbinate while leaving mucosa intact (submucous resection) has been shown to decrease the risk of crusting. Newer techniques such as laser and coblation have been demonstrated to reduce bleeding during the operation. Recovery time usually is between 1-2 weeks. Pain is usually minimal. Patients are advised to avoid blood thinners and strenuous activities for 2 weeks after surgery.
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