鼻中隔 (nasal septum) 是指分隔鼻腔形成兩個鼻孔的骨板組織,鼻中隔偏移 (deviated septum) 很普遍,在外觀上未必看得出,亦不一定有徵狀,但約百分之二十接受鼻鏡檢查的人,都會發現鼻中隔有或多或少的偏移。假如偏移情況嚴重,空氣流通受阻,就可能會造成長期鼻塞、經常流鼻血及嗅覺失靈等等,患者便需接受適當治療。
有鼻中隔偏移的病人未必需要接受治療,但如果呼吸受到阻礙,以及出現復發性流鼻血、嚴重鼻鼾、慢性咽喉炎及睡眠窒息等徵狀,就應接受治療。病情輕微者可接受激光切除手術,病情嚴重要做鼻中隔手術 (septoplasty)。手術不會影響鼻形和外觀,亦不會在面上留下傷口或疤痕。
Nasal septum is the midline structure that provides support of the nose and separates the nose into left and right cavities. Deviated septum is a very common finding, although in most cases it does not cause any symptom of nasal obstruction. If severe, septal deviation can have major impact on quality of life. The problem can be exacerbated by allergic rhinitis and turbinate hypertrophy. Treatment for symptomatic patient involves removing the deviated part of the septum by making small incisions inside the nose. Nasal packing usually stays in the nose for a week. Pain is usually benign and recovery time typically takes 1-2 weeks.
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