一個人常常睡醒, 日間又無精打彩, 很可能是患上睡眠窒息症,保守估計約百分之四的成年男士患有此病,女性發病率則約百分之二,而肥胖及年老退化會增加組織垂鬆阻塞呼吸道的機會,頸頜結構異常的人士亦較高機會患病,例如下顎較小和下巴向後的人,舌頭會被推向咽喉,故也較易出現睡眠窒息症。
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects close to 12 million Americans and results in significant loss of work efficiency if not treated. It is different from primary snoring disorder in that the latter does not cause long term cardiopulmonary complications such as pulmonary hypertension. Sleep study is the diagnosis of choice and is performed with patient spending a night in a sleep lab. An apnea event is defined as cessation of breathing for 10 seconds. A score known as apnea hypopnea index (AHI) is obtained and used to classified sleep apnea into mild, moderate, and severe categories. CPAP machine is the first line of treatment for OSA, although non-compliance remains a major issue with the device due to the discomfort of sleeping with the mask. For patients unable to tolerate CPAP, surgery is an option offered by Ear, Nose and Throat specialists. Surgery is most effective for patients with favorable anatomy (large tonsils, small tongue), mild apnea (AHI < 15), and strong motivation to lose weight.
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